Friday, August 5, 2011

The Blog Recovery

This blog was made Fall of my Freshman year of college. I am now embarking on my Senior year and have decided to revive this archive. I am trying to focus myself on life after college. Questions like grad school? Job? Apartment? Bills? are all clouding my head. My main focus right now is trying to decide what career path I want to choose. I have decided I am most interested in the fields of Marketing, Public Relations, Web Editing, and Event Planning. Now I have set myself on a path to do some work/internships in each of the areas to determine which I want to pursue (though they often overlap). So far, I have a lot of experience in social media and a few years of simplistic web editing. Starting a new internship with a sales and marketing firm should allow me to explore a lot of my areas of interest, especially since they are launching a new branch that should make a splash in the insurance and wellness industry. I will certainly learn a lot from this experience. My last college Summer, working 4 jobs, volunteering, and trying to have fun while saving money for future expenses certainly has my mind in a tail spin.

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